The Twinning

The Twinning

Level 80, ilvl 410

80, i470

The Crystarium (X:12.8, Y:10.6)

By the Time You Hear This

Since its sudden appearance in Norvrandt, the Crystal Tower has been a source of great mystery, one which the people of the Crystarium have barely begun to unravel. Now that the city is free from the threat of the Lightwardens, researchers have been afforded the opportunity to explore the innermost reaches of the tower, though they soon found their way barred by hordes of ferocious guardians. An aetherial disturbance detected from inside is believed to be in some way linked to their appearance, and you have been tasked with not only clearing a path for the researchers, but with investigating the cause of the anomaly.  


Alpha Zaghnal

The Alpha Zaghnal has several different attacks that players need to be aware of during the fight. The first attack, Augurium, is a tankbuster that hits in a cone-shaped area in front of the Alpha Zaghnal. The tank can avoid this attack by stepping out of the way since it targets the ground. Beastly Roar is another attack that causes moderate damage to the entire group. Pounce Errant is a large player-targeted circle AoE that the Alpha Zaghnal will jump to each player in sequence, dealing damage in the area. Forlorn Impact marks each player with a number one through four and then fires a line attack at each player in sequence, damaging all players in the line. Charge Eradicated places a stack marker on one player and creates a large fire puddle where the attack hit, causing Burns to players standing in it. Another stack marker will appear on another player with the same effects after the first attack. The Beta Zaghnal is held inside containment units on the east and west sides of the platform. If one of the Alpha Zaghnal's player-targeted attacks hits a containment unit, it will shatter and free the Beta Zaghnal. Once freed, the Beta Zaghnal will aggro onto the player who freed it.


Mithridates has several powerful abilities in its arsenal. The Thunder Beam is a devastating tankbuster attack. Electric Discharge involves placing purple orbs around the area that will discharge after a certain time, causing damage to anything nearby. Laserblade creates a line area of effect, with secure spots in-between. Allagan Thunder is a circular area of effect centered on each player. Eventually, Mithridates will start using all of its non tankbuster abilities at once, during which Allagan Thunder will exclusively target the Tank and Healer.

Artificial Enigma: The Tycoon

In the Tycoon fight, there are several mechanics to watch out for. The first is Rail Cannon, which is a tankbuster attack. Next is Magitek Crossray, where four rectangular laser areas will appear in the cardinal directions from the boss. After a few seconds, these areas will be released from Temporal Stasis and become line attacks that travel outward, causing high damage and inflicting Vulnerability Up. The Tycoon will count down in a text box to telegraph the firing of the lasers. It's important to note that these lasers spawn on the outside of the Tycoon's hitbox and shoot toward the edge, leaving the spot where it was standing safe. Defensive Array is similar to Magitek Crossray, but the AoEs appear from the outside and shoot toward the center of the platform. Running into a time-stopped laser during Temporal Stasis will cause a Temporal Paradox, spreading the laser's damage to the entire party and inflicting Vulnerability Up on the offending player. Another mechanic is Artificial Gravity, which consists of black and red circle AoEs that grow in size before dealing high damage. The boss also uses High-tension Discharger, which inflicts moderate damage to the entire party. Lastly, there is Magicrystal, which targets each player with circle AoEs.
